Dr Laura Currie
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University
Selected seminar & conference presentations
- Large-scale flows and magnetic fields in fluid dynamics, Durham Maths Research Day, Sept. 2021, Durham (virtual).
- The role of waves in the creation of low frequency dynamics in fluids, Applied Mathematics seminar, July 2021, Durham (virtual).
- The role of waves in the creation of low frequency dynamics in fluids, Fluids & MHD Seminar, May 2021, University of Leeds (virtual).
- Stratification effects in anelastic convection, Compressible Convection Conference, Sept. 2019, Newcastle.
- The magnitude of viscous dissipation in strongly stratified two-dimensional convection, Stellar Hydro Days conference, June 2019, University of Exeter.
- Modelling heat transport and magnetism in stellar convection zones, Applied Mathematics seminar, Mar. 2019, University of Glasgow.
- Validity of rotating mixing length theory in convective layers with oblique rotation, Rotating convection: from the lab to the stars workshop, May. 2018, Leiden.
- Extending mixing length theory: the effect of dissipation and rotation on convection, Astrophysics seminar, Dec. 2017, Queen Mary University of London.
- The magnitude of viscous dissipation in strongly stratified two-dimensional convection, Compressible Convection Conference, Sept. 2017, Lyon.
- Convective dynamos with self-consistent shear, Natural Dynamos meeting, June 2017, Valtice.
- Dissipation, rotation and other missing ingredients in mixing length theory, Astrophysics seminar, Mar. 2017, DAMTP, University of Cambridge.
- Rotation, dissipation, and other missing ingredients in mixing length theory, Applied Mathematics seminar, Nov. 2016, University of Newcastle.
- Scaling laws in rotating turbulent convection (poster) Astro Fluid meeting in honour of Jean-Paul Zahn, June 2016, Paris.
- Scaling laws in rotating convection (poster) and Investigating the effects of rotation on stellar radii in 1D stellar structure models (poster, first author Lewis G.Ireland) Cool stars meeting, June 2016, Uppsala.
- Dissipation in convective flows, UKMHD meeting, May 2016, University of Glasgow.
- Scaling laws in rotating convection, Stellar and Planetary Dynamos meeting, May 2015, University of Goettingen.
- 2D models of convection-driven mean flows, Astrophysics seminar, Oct. 2014, University of Exeter.
- Mean flow generation in rotating two-dimensional magnetoconvection, European MHD days meeting, Sept. 2014, University of Cambridge.
- Mean flow generation in rotating 2d convection (poster) Eddy -- Mean-Flow Interactions in Fluids conference, Mar. 2014, KITP, Santa Barbara.
- The driving of mean flows via convection Rotating fluid dynamics for planetary and stellar applications workshop, May 2013, University of Exeter.
- Convection driven mean flows (poster) British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Apr. 2013, University of Leeds.
- The driving of mean flows via convection, Fluids and MHD seminar, Nov. 2012, University of Leeds.
- Convection driven mean flows (poster) European MHD days meeting, Oct. 2012, Nice.
- The effect of a tilted rotation vector on the convective driving of mean flows, UKMHD meeting, May 2012, University of Sheffield.